marian anderson music guild, inc.
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Meetings - time & place
2nd Saturday of each month
Meeting: 10 am – 1 pm Camden County Library – M. Allan Vogelson Library3rd Floor - Meeting Room C203 Laurel RoadVoorhees, NJ 08043856-772-1636
Meeting: 10 am – 1 pm Camden County Library – M. Allan Vogelson Library3rd Floor - Meeting Room C203 Laurel RoadVoorhees, NJ 08043856-772-1636
Youth division
Who We Are & What We Do
We are the Youth Division of the Marian Anderson Music Guild Inc., which is a branch of the National Association of Negro Musicians Inc.
We preserve and support all genres of music especially the contributions of African American composers and artists.
scholarship & performance
Improve and sharpen your talent by participating in the MAMG Scholarship Competition or performing on the Young Performers Concert. If interested, please complete the applicable form(s) on the "Forms" page or contact us at :
youth activities
As a member of the Youth Division, you have the opportuniyy to participate in many different areas such as, Public Relations, Host & Hostess at concerts and events, fund raising and so much more. If you are interested in helping please complete the Youth Division form on the "Forms" page and mail it to:
Marian Anderson Music Guild, Inc.P.O. Box 18Lawnside, NJ 08045Attn: Youth Division
Youth Networking
Young musicians are given a chance to perform on
Marian Anderson Music Guild programs and showcase
their talents to the community.
This opportunity provides an outlet for young performers to network and form supportive relationships.